Become a seller on YarnBiz and reach out to thousands of Yarn buyers across the country.
Become a buyer on YarnBiz and source from thousands of sellers.
For the yarn suppliers registered on our platform, we assure timely and upfront payments with no waiting time and utmost scrutiny. We not only provide a platform to list down their products but we also look after the marketing and continue to bring more yarn buyers to our platform. Businesses get insights of the yarn market trends and are empowered to promote their products accordingly to attain maximum profitability.
To be the most Preferred and Convenient Technology driven platform across the globe to trade Yarn!
To accelerate and transition trading of Yarn through the use of Technology. To build a trusted community of buyers and sellers by offering the best mix of product range, price, and timely fulfillment.
A concept like this will be a great service to the Textile industry. Buyers of Yarn will have multiple options which will ensure optimum price, and good quality products are available.
YarnBiz is a wonderful solution for the industry. This platform will solve our intermittent sourcing issues. I will definitely recommend it to our partners and all industry contacts.
YarnBiz is a great online initiative for the textile industry's buyer & seller. The fact that YarnBiz will manage end to end logistics, will reduce a lot of headaches for the yarn purchaser & help improve production cycle time for small manufacturers. Once all the features are implemented, there will be a lot of transparency & improve in transaction efficiency with good complaints redressal.